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By James Bennett

I know many of us are very worried about what appears to be a stolen ‘election.’ After all Trump conceded, right? Actually, he didn’t. Did you hear him say the word concede? He definitely gave no congrats to Biden either. Trump said, 'There would be a smooth transition to the next administration.'  Hmmm. Transition to what? Well, if Trump has a different VP (and what little staff remains!) that’s a  new administration. Trump is playing high level chess. The old adage; 'nothing in politics happens by accident' carries more weight than ever. Semantics, dates and details are very important right now. Trump has NO intention of going anywhere. He's playing them like a piano. This pause serves  many purposes. There are even MORE traitors implicating themselves. In D.C. and our media. Sedition is rampant! And that’s just what we can see. There is so much going on we can't see. Trump and The Alliance want as little public civil impact as possible. And the MSM certainly doesn't want to report all the arrests, the question is WHY? To recognize the huge number of arrests and indictments that have already been carried out would publicly acknowledge the dismantling of the Cabal. The reasons would formally mark the end of their rein.


Let’s go back to the last time the Deep State wanted to get rid of a President. John F. Kennedy was loved by the people. He loved America and had a spine.

He opposed their wars, wanted to get  back to sound money, and rid us of the Federal Reserve. JFK was also speaking out against the Deep State and their insidious, nefarious plans to enslave us. He had a handful of confidants around him and many generals who knew what was going on, and knew what was at stake. They started to formulate a plan to cleanse our Country (and the World) of this Shadow Government. They have been quietly working on a plan to save our Country for at least 58 years since JFK's assassination!  

This is chapter represents a culmination of careful planning on BOTH sides. One was to usher in the dark and one to bring in the light.

The dark Satanic international crime syndicate had a 16-year plan (8 years  of Obama and 8 years of Hillary) Then the death of America would have been complete. Thankfully that didn’t go as planned in 2016.  

Programming the Smartmatic / Dominion voting for a 20% steal wasn’t enough! Even combined with all the other tricks they employed. Actual organic Democracy showed itself.

It was 2:00 AM, the whole world  was watching, and it got away from them.

It was beautiful. 

Meanwhile, Trump and loyal insiders continued to plan the biggest, most comprehensive sting operation in  history. He didn’t have to be a benevolent dictator to pull it off.

He allowed the light to expose the dark. He LET TRUTH DICTATE so the People could SEE. He has been allowing the Deep State plans to unfold while following Constitutional mechanisms to the letter (what a novel approach!) Look at how independent media's popularity is exploding, while the Main Stream Media (MSM) is experiencing an unprecedented rating exodus. During this period, the LAST thing we want to do is to look to the CIA’s Mockingbird media for answers.

If we do check out the MSM’s decorum right now, fear! Look at Trump, Scavino and Pompeo’s calm in late 2020, January 2021 pressers. Who do you think is in control? Why the immediacy, the obvious panic to remove Trump by military force or the 25th Amendment? Even when he only had days left. Now, they continue impeachment efforts - even as Trump is a 'private citizen'? What are they so afraid of?

[UPDATE: Trump was acquitted.]

The People are waking up. They are  awakening to this ‘Plan-demic' and all the instruments of division (identity politics) that dilute our culture by dismantling family, patriotism, and religious freedom (especially Christianity.) Everything most Americans hold dear has been under attack by these instruments of 'societal sabotage.' Satan must kill all that is good. Their plan is to take our freedoms, our financial abundance, our health, our sovereignty over our bodies, and our Constitution. The first two Amendments were written to ensure we were anchored in Liberty forever. Now they were caught trying to steal our election too. In fact, they 

have stealing many elections worldwide, and the world (including California) is realizing this. As the  balance of good and evil seems to slip away from us, good is stepping in. 

I have no doubt that the political landscape will change. Everything is about to change. Even in this moment, as you read this, a storm is coming. TRAITORS ARE GOING TO PRISON (en masse.) THERE IS NO WAY BIDEN WILL STAY PRESIDENT!  His presidency is illegitimate anyway for many reasons.

Big Picture

China was hijacked a generation ago. That's what the Deep State Globalists do. They take over countries.

Not long ago China was isolated and not even a player in the geopolitical and trade arena. The Deep State deliberately enriched China at America's expense. They used China as an instrument to bring down the US  (again, CCP and Deep State are largely synonymous) and carry out their goal of a One World  Government / New World Order. In an attempt to collateralize us and make us beholden to China, the Deep State exported America's production, stole our technology, using that technology against us, used debt as an instrument of control. That’s their MO. 

Then they created and released a man-made bio-weapon, COVID-19! This, and attempting to steal our election was an act of war. Although the virus is not nearly as dangerous as their bought-and-paid-for media portrays it as. (An Amish leader was  recently asked why they don’t get COVID-19. He said it was because they don’t watch TV.) 

A virus roll-out was planned years ago to serve different purposes. The next plan was to start a war as a justification for their ‘currency reset.’ However, their change agent wasn’t in the White House. Trump has been pulling out of wars, so COVID-19 served as Plan ‘B.’ COVID-19 was to be the new excuse for the ‘great reset’ and an instrument of depopulation, although affecting mostly those with compromised immune systems. Old people are financial a liability to the Corporation.

It will become increasingly clear that most ALL of our ‘problems’ owe lineage to  their manipulations as they employ their formula for control: Hegel’s Dialectic -  Problem/Reaction/Solution to help achieve their ends. Reaction=fear, the 2nd component of the  equation. Although COVID-19 would not kill in significant numbers, their horrible vaccines would (the final solution). The vaccine uses nano-technology, interfacing with 5G in our bodies (allowing for control through remote  means) along with evil ingredients which together are like some bad sci-fi movie. We have been at a  disadvantage as good people find it so difficult to relate to such profound evil. 

It’s as if this Cabal is on a different radio station, a different frequency, in which we don’t reside.  This is largely what this part of The Plan has been about – to allow People SEE the EVIL FOR THEMSELVES. 

Show 'n Tell

Even if Trump gave the best speech ever, channeled by God - do you think it would have been effective? The People had to be SHOWN the Truth.

Trump has been stepping back allowing the show part to play out, soon to be joined by the tell part. SO much to tell, notice all the efforts to censor Trump and any truth that threatens them. It’s been about allowing the Deep State to implicate  themselves and to show who they really are for all to see. Try to imagine being sworn in to uphold the Constitution then selling us out to tyrannical Communist China for financial profit and power. To say they don’t care about us is an understatement. They were complicit in an Agenda to engineer our decline (in every way  you can apply the word.) Treason brought to new heights. The level of corruption and the activities these individuals have engaged in is going to be difficult for many to comprehend. Once even some of it is disclosed, I trust you won’t feel bad when you learn they were brought before Military Tribunal and sentenced to death! 

It's impossible to overstate the significance of this point in history. It IS Biblical. Most of the World is under the Cabal's oppression. As we go dark, so does the illumination to Peace and Freedom for billions. We are moving toward the light - illumination from God - not toward those that regard  themselves as the Illuminated Ones.

Trump and the loyal Patriots around him know what’s at stake. FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION! The Alliance used meticulous planning, supercomputer modeling (AI), irrefutable intel, our Constitution, and God - THE Illumination. Despite current appearances, The Plan went almost perfectly. Trump hasn't yet needed to pull the several Trump cards he is holding. The Patriots planned for all contingencies. This frustrating  intermission right now is also planned. The (death march) music is playing. The pain and pressure has been prolonged deliberately as the traitors implicate themselves and give up information. Epstein sang like a bird (He’s alive), as did the CIA head and demon Gina Haspel, as well as many others. As for those in D.C., Trump didn’t want to catch them only conspiring. He wanted them to follow through with committing the biggest political crime in history. And they did.

Although many think nothing is happening after the fake 'inauguration,' The Plan is still bearing fruit. Arrests have been made on many levels. 


So many have 'stepped down,' 'died,' disappeared. 

Think about the legal language Trump has been using as he gives the traitors every chance to do the right thing. Trump created an Executive Order (EO) in 2018 that was custom made for this exact time. It designates those complicit in the Chinese (Deep State) theft of our election as 'foreign enemy  combatants'. His statement after Capitol Hill security let Antifa into Congressional chambers was, “Go  home in peace.” Saying that was a proclamation to disperse and was meant to set the stage to evoke the Insurrection Act! This Act empowers the POTUS to deploy US Military and National Guard troops  within the US to suppress civil disorder. He reportedly did it that Saturday night! The Insurrection Act gives POTUS  another layer of emergency war time powers, along with his 2018 EOs. We are in a military dynamic at this time. Trump has designated Antifa as a terrorist organization. Those stealing our election are foreign enemy combatants and as such both are subject to different treatment in a time of war. Trump took an oath to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic. That is just what he is doing. How novel. How  awesome! In addition to labeling those who engage in foreign interference in our elections as engaging in acts of war, the EO also provides for forfeiture of assets (many accounts have already been frozen)  from those complicit, including media outlets. He opened the door, and they walked right into their jail cell as planned. Like martyrs for Satan, they know they’re done. However, desperate people do desperate things. Supposedly the only reason many weren't arrested at the 'inauguration' is because the Deep State threatened a nuclear detonation, possibly a dirty bomb. An 'insurance policy' to prevent them from being arrested all at once.

Trump has an avalanche of conclusive evidence from MANY different angles. The Deep State knows it and that’s why evidence was never heard in court, at the Rally or anywhere they can prevent it. In addition, the timing of the (false flag) ‘break in’ of the Capitol building occurred before Senators could articulate, in front of the cameras, their objections to accepting fraudulent votes. A complicit DC security opened the doors like ushers at a theater. The Deep State is prolonging the inevitable, the truth will be coming out. Plans are in place to likely employ the Emergency Broadcast System very soon at this writing. There are credible reports that Biden and MANY congressmen and senators were arrested on January 25th and 26th and that a press release was sent to MSM and it was never reported!

The truth will come out soon enough, more than many can handle.

Most all who are reading this know about the Globalist’s horrible plans (China is their template), UN Agenda 21/2030, and their draconian technocracy, etc. However, that is The OLD WORLD ORDER, as we will see! This construct of all manner of deceit and poisoning, with a captured healthcare landscape run by Big Pharm (part of the Cabal), censorship, lack, scarcity, and debt is coming to a close! No more Central Banks (the head of the snake). There is an entirely new financial system to be rolled out shortly, backed with our stolen gold, which has been recovered! In mind blowing quantity.

Trump made two promises that are the understatements of the Century: 'I will drain the swamp' and  'The best is yet to come.’ The Plan is further along than is being portrayed to us at this time. Many arrests have already been made. Air traffic to Guantanamo is WAY up and its capacity has been greatly increased. It is reportedly full at this time. Other similar military facilities are filling up as well (in Iceland, Puerto Rico, Greenland and more). Arrests in the thousands have happened and will escalate. Many associated with horrific child trafficking rings. 

Over 200 countries are set to participate in a new financial system. It is called NESARA, the National  Economic Security and Reformation Act. The global engagement is called GESARA. It employs  unhackable, blockchain technology called the Quantum Financial System. It provides immediate, private transacting – a straight line (not a triangle) between both parties. It's is a reset, but the Fed and the  New World Order are not in the picture! All bank debt, such as mortgages, credit cards, etc., will be  erased. It abolishes the Federal Reserve and its collection agency, the IRS. IRS employees that remain  are to be retrained and be transferred into the US Treasury. The only tax revenue needed for NESARA is reportedly a 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items.  

We have been in a Kleptocracy. They’ve been robbing us into serfdom! What could be worse than our leaders masquerading as ‘public servants’ while stealing and putting us in debt? Answer: Charging us interest on that which they steal! 

NESARA provides all kind of windfalls and it will spread all over the World as GESARA. It will return the US to Constitutional law (no more Maritime, Admiralty law) and bring us back to Common Law. It also provides for new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s  announcement. After this announcement and its fantasy-like benefits, how do you think Trump would fare in an authentic election in the wake of the arrests and all this life-changing news? A new election will be necessary, as we are in a new system! 

It's been said said that in reality, Trump would be the 19th President, not the 45th. As being the 45th would imply yet another CEO of a defunct corporation; USA, Inc.. Which no longer exists! It is as though corrupt executives, stakeholders and shareholders installed a CEO of an insolvent, bankrupt corporation. That's not even recognized on Dun & Bradstreet. And the CEO and executives are under criminal indictment! They are still playing politician in a production!

In fact, Biden's 'Oval Office' is at Castlerock Studios in Culver City, Ca..

Reportedly there are new currency notes and coins. The plan is to take the Fed’s debt notes out of circulation in 2021. It also dissolves the US bankruptcy of 1933 as well as the US  Corporation DBA USA, Inc. (hence the new vote). The Shadow Government is no longer in control! This Corporation was another deception imposed on our young, struggling Republic after their Civil War. It reduced us to a corporation as a means of collateralization and made it's People chattel of same.

We went from a Constitutional Republic called The United States for America to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This made us owned, indebted and beholden to the  same people the Pilgrims we’re trying to get away from!  

This was the Act of 1871, and it changed the course of our history.

This restores our Republic and aligns the US Treasury with Constitutional Law and restores financial privacy. It requires that Judges and attorneys adhere to Constitutional Law. It ends all wars because in order to be a part of GESARA, countries must cease all aggressive military actions as a condition of participation! GESARA will established peace throughout the world! 

In addition, NESARA will make available enormous amounts of money for humanitarian purposes. These  funds are not a part of any Globalist plan for wealth redistribution. 

NESARA/GESARA will also release thousands of patents withheld from us under a guise of 'protecting National Security'. Disclose sacred knowledge, technology, real health cures  (including sonic healing called ‘Med Beds’), life changing information, technology that has been hoarded from The People (that we’ve often funded). Finally, it releases Tesla’s free energy technology (Search NESARA Trump 2021).

What is coming has been called many things; Biblical, the Great Awakening and the Shift. It seems God is finally stepping in. Just in time! Our Founding Fathers were far from perfect men, but they had Divine help in the creation of our Constitution. We now are feeling the hand of God in the creation of this new world. With all of the amazing changes coming our way, the Constitution remains untouched!

Does “The Truth will set you free” ring a bell? We ALL have been deceived beyond our current  understanding. This will become more evident as 2021 progresses. This year will require an open mind! The days of our division need to be over. We can all prosper. We are now engaged in the process of waking up the masses. It is natural for  us to be scared when we are awakened too quickly. Trump knows this. That’s why optics have been so  important. It will be a difficult process for many, yet we needed to see the evil in our midst. We needed  to go to bed at night imaging our Country and Freedoms gone - like a loved one we took for granted. I believe the pain and frustration is part of the production we are witnessing and may be deliberate. Angst will turn to joy this year! 

The Globalists’ Agenda was being imposed on us at an accelerated rate. As humanity wakes and The Alliance carries out The Plan. However, they will do anything and everything possible to hold onto power. They will pull whatever levers they still have their hands on. Aside from not seeing their Agenda come to fruition, those who took an oath are facing the death penalty for treason. This is life or death. Others are facing the same fate for crimes against humanity as so many are involved in pedophilia, human trafficking, and child sacrifice. Over 800,000 people go missing in the US every year. Most of these are children and women. Trump’s administration already has made many arrests, saved untold thousands of children. When the scope and depth associated with this Satanic cult comes out, many will be astonished

Our Country was inches away from a successful takeover! 100% of the Democratic Party, and most all of the Republican Party were involved! They were all on China’s payroll, including our MSM, most of  Hollywood, and many in the music industry. This includes many who have a high profile and are prominent in the entertainment and music industry as well as heads of major corporations. Not to mention leaders of countries, cardinals, the Pope, even the 'Royal' family! The Queen was evidently arrested some time ago, Buckingham Palace is reportedly not occupied and the family crest has disappeared from the front gates! MANY household names were members of this satanic cult running our World.

This is the year of disclosure. That’s largely what this chapter is about. Have you been losing sleep? I can assure  you that the traitor’s sleep patterns are not what they were. The change millions have been craving is coming. We're so lucky to be here at this time to witness this transformation take place. 

Take care of yourselves, each other, have Faith, pray, relax. The good guys are in control now. Trust Trump and our military.

We deserve it. God knows we’ve paid our dues. There’s a time for everything. This IS our time! The show will begin shortly after this intermission. 


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